Geopolitical history of Bengal through maps: 1st to 16th Century A.D.

Interesting history through maps on the evolution of Bengal, source: The changing map of India from 1 AD to the 20th century

1st Century A.D.
1st Century A.D.
100 A.D.
100 A.D.
500 A.D.
500 A.D.
7th Century A.D.
7th Century A.D.
7th Century A.D.
7th Century A.D.
700 A.D.
700 A.D.
900 A.D.
900 A.D.
11th - 13th Century
11th – 13th Century
13th - 16th Century
13th – 16th Century
13th - 16th Century
13th – 16th Century