Pokemon: an inconvenient truth

Nintendo is one of Japan’s largest companies on the market. Founded in 1889, it has grown over the years from card games to the electronic ones. It entered the world of video games in 1975. So far it has developed over 500 different games. What interests us is Pokemon, the game created in the nineties and which exceeded all sales records. In 1998 a company which deals only with all of the game products was even created: The Pokemon Company (affiliated with Nintendo of course).


The “Pokemon Go!” app is a kind of free-to-play video game based on a geographic location reality through GPS. The protagonist of the game (YOU who downloaded it) can encounter and catch wild Pokemon in the street or face them in “gyms”. A few weeks after its publication, the “Pokemon Go!” app is the most successful in history with a turn-over – according to SuperData – by 4 million dollars a day.

Unfortunately, the very big problem is not economic!


“Pokemon Go!” was developed by the company “Niantic Lab.”, whose founder is such John Hanke. Among other things, Hanke founded the company “Keyhole Inc.” which in 2004 was acquired by nothing less than Google, which then implemented the company’s technology releasing very important (now essential) applications such as “Google Earth” and “Google Maps.” The “Keyhole” is not a simple IT company but a house of software development specialized in geospatial data visualization: satellite images, for example.


At this point a big and rather interesting funder makes its appearance: the one exporting democracy with phosphorus, depleted uranium, cluster bombs and mini-nukes. But let’s talk about CIA….

The CIA invests in all high-tech companies in the world (new or old) in order to stay updated on all developments and progress in technology. In practice, the US intelligence services on one hand infiltrate in every IT firms for having control over them and on the other such control serves to keep the forefront in the developments of information technologies.

Since long time the System implements a number of strategies and operations in order to reach as soon as possible the global electronic control. A large acceleration took place “thanks” to the self-attack of the Twin Towers in New York in 2001: cameras everywhere, electronic surveillance, Internet Control, laws that violate any personal freedoms (Patriot Act), war on terrorism, invasion of other countries, etc… “Pokemon Go!” adds another important element in all this.


After Google began to ask as Captcha code test the house numbers from photos (well, their programs fail to read them automatically), after Google Earth sees us from above and Google Maps knows every second where we are and where we are going, only one last piece was missing to the puzzle: millions of euro-zombies who provide own mobile camera and for free!

They record everything that is viewed from the phone (with active geolocation, as well): several million terabytes of highly sensitive data, unattainable with other systems. Information about everything around us, both inside and outside home, even inside the toilets of houses or service stations (images not reachable with satellites).

If you are playing “Pokemon Go!” it’s time you return to life by waking up from the vegetative state, because are you helping the System to finally make full-operational the New World Order. You’re giving your eyes the Big Eye.


The cute little monsters are so just a playful excuse to lure millions of unsuspecting servants of the System that, by doing so, actively and voluntarily partecipate to their slavery: even closing behind the gate of own prison.

In the gate of the Auschwitz concentration camp built by the “IG Farben”, the largest and most powerful chemical industry at the time, was written: “Arbeit Macht Frei”, which translated means “Work makes you free.”


The Germans had a bit strange concept of work, although the thousands of people trapped were working effectively for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries connected: Bayer, Agfa, Basf, etc., and worked until death, that is the ultimate expression of freedom…

Today that gate is virtual, but not less impressive, composed of pixels and bytes, and the writing is just a little different: “Pokemon Go! makes you live”…

Source and opinions from: Sputnik