At Rio the sports world is giving battle to try to enrich the range and return home with medals and victories to be included in the Encyclopedia of the sport. But at the same time, in the same Brazil, a people that does not have a delegation in the brazilian olympics, has achieved another kind of victory. They are the Munduruku Indios who live along the banks of the Rio Tapajos and that for several months fought against the plan for building a dam along “their” river.


The construction of the dam according to several reports by the spokesmen of the indigenous movement and the organizations that are fighting for environmental protection, would cause an irreversible damage to the area populated by the Munduruku. The project indeed was supposed to occur in the state of Pará, and would be the second biggest in the country.

A project that would have thus given an impact with the surrounding environment, where live more than 12,000 people and where there is one of the richest ecosystems on the planet. From the beginning the Indios along with Greenpeace and with the support of over a million people around the world, have given battle opposing the construction.

And then last week came the annulment of the license of construction of the dam by the IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources). The spokesman of the Indios, Arnaldo Kaba Munduruku, commented the news through a press release: “We, the Munduruku indigenous, are very happy to learn this news. This result is very important for us. Now we will continue to fight against all the other dams that threaten our river.”

Source: Piove Governo Ladro