Switzerland, produced leaflets explaining to Muslims how to behave

Vertical increase of asylum requests in Switzerland. The increase in 2015, over the previous year, was 66 percent.

So the first few cantons, fearing a new “Cologne”, started to run for a shelter. The authorities of the canton of Lucerne have launched a prevention campaign targeted at Muslims migrants/refugees by means of brochures that show how they should behave with Swiss women.

It seems a joke but it is not. Among the (“xenophobic”?) leaflets, which collect twenty vignettes in all, there is for example one that explicitly explains that touching breasts or buttocks of women against their will is not a behavior tolerated in the country: “The physical contact between two people – reads the legend – occurs only when people know each other and are both consenting. Sexual violence is prohibited.”

One of the vignettes of the leaflet
One of the vignettes of the leaflet

Again: “Sexual acts with minors under 16 are prohibited by law, even if consensual.” And then: “Women and men can move freely in the public space. If someone wants to be left in peace, we must respect them.” Segregation and harassment are not accepted.

In the sheets are listed the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle to keep in Swiss society.

How is explained in the site valtellinanews.it, the canton of Lucerne was inspired by Austria for the creation of its leaflets. But also other Swiss cantons would have expressed interest in launching a similar campaign.

Till now 4000 copies of the informative material have been already printed and distributed in all the centers hosting asylum seekers.