Brazilian indigenous under attack! Pesticides sprayed on the population

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Pesticides as weapons, poisons shot on the indigenous peoples living in Brazil, in the Mato Grosso do Sul, a wonderful place, where there is also the Pantanal, the largest marsh in the world, home of a very varied ecosystem.

A war between farmers/ranchers and indigenous people, which should immediately call to action the Brazilian government. As denounced by activists of “GreenMe Brazil”, is a long time that pesticides are sprayed on the natives, but only last week these terrible acts were reported officially by the Conselho Indigenista Missionário.

What happened? Some planes loaded with pesticides flew over the villages, freeing purposely chemicals that have contaminated the water springs and the places where indigenous peoples reside.


Let’s step back. The families of the Guarani ethnic group are in constant struggle for territorial boundaries. Despite the Brazilian Constitution and international law recognize their right on ancestral land, these communities have been literally deprived of their lands to make way for farms and plantations.

To keep them away from their territories, breeders and farmers have resorted to harsh measures, hiring assassins to attack the Guarani and kill their leaders or by air strikes. In August 2015, the Guarani leaders Semião Vilhalva was murdered by gunmen after trying to reoccupy lands, while some other members of the Pyelito Kue communities have been kidnapped and beaten.

The pesticide based air strikes are the last piece of this sad guerrillas, which involves not only the people but also the environment. The attacks began in 2015 and have been intensified between December 2015 and January 2016.


Three of them were carried out in June 2015, deed then notified to the Federal Police. Between 20 December 2015 and 12 January 2016 were launched four more attacks.


According to indigenous families, children, adults and seniors are already experiencing serious symptoms of poisoning. Last week, a complaint was filed to the President of the Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai).

In December, armed men hired by the owners of some farms would have assaulted the leaders in search of fields, threatening the natives to death.


In fact, while the farmers continue to reap huge profits both from sugar cane crops, corn, soy, both from farms in the ancestral lands of the Guarani, the Indios are forced to live in appalling conditions in camps on the roadside and overcrowded reserves where are rampant malnutrition, disease and suicide. And now indiscriminately and with impunity they are also poisoned from the sky. Because those who attack them know that without their ancestral land, the Guarani can not survive.

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