The “strange case” of Musi di Lusevera

Hardly the inhabitants of Musi di Lusevera, in the province of Udine, north-east Italy, would think to conquer the front pages of national newspapers. Yet they made it, thanks to the prefecture of Udine, which since January 1st has placed EIGHT Afghan and Pakistani “asylum seekers” in a “town” that has just SIX inhabitants.


Musi di Lusevera: subalpine village, a church, a few houses, some prefabricated building still standing from the earthquake of 1976. A large house of the cooperative “Pinocchio” of Brescia, hosting refugees.

The arrival of the “refugees” was received with suspicion by the locals, who have not been alerted and they look at the newcomers with surprise. The “asylum seekers” – or, as nicknamed by the mayor: the “guys” – seem quite disoriented. They claim to be happy, but it is easy to imagine that they woulc preferred to stay in Udine, where they attended an Italian language course and began a process of integration into society. Here in Musi they cannot do nothing but eat, sleep and play cricket. The village is not even reached by the bus, while the nearest supermarket is far over ten kilometers.

Source: A Musi di Lusevera, dove i profughi sono più degli italiani