The new Palestinian cult

In these years a new religion is being imposed, transversal in many respects, which embraces the radical-chic environments as well as those of the radical-liberals: the Palestinian Cult. In this secular neo-religion, its fellowers worship the Palestinian flag and use it as a shawl and a hallmark. His followers are recognized by the white and black or red checkered scarf called “kefiah” and gather in places of worship called social centers and other ‘radical’ cultural circles.

The principles of this faith are few and clear:

1- The Palestinians are the most unfortunate people on earth and the suffering of every single Palestinian is higher than that of any other people on earth.

2- ‘Palestine’, before the arrival of the hated Zionist enemy, was a heaven on earth where people lived in peace and love, the plantations gave huge quantities of food and the diseases did not exist.

3- Everything that the hated Zionist enemy does is wrong in principle, in the Zionist entity improperly called ‘Israel’.

4- In Palestine no one but the Palestinians have ever lived and the Jews are a Zionist conspiracy. Jesus was Palestinian and Muslim.

5- If there were not the hated Zionist enemy, all the problems of the Middle East would not exist and everyone from the Mediterranean to Pakistan would love each other (see again point 2). If there were not the hated Zionist enemy, all the civil rights of children, women, workers, homosexuals etc. would be respected worldwide.

6- Anyone who speaks well of the hated Zionist enemy and its satellite state (USA) is fascist, Nazi, colonialist, imperialist, starving peoples etc …

7- All the glorious Palestinian resistants have a high moral value and whatever they do to the hated Zionist enemies and their hated Western allies, they are heroes.

8- The glorious Palestinian resistant children are innocent until the age of 21 when they become civilians.

9- The stones thrown by the glorious Palestinian resistant children are harmless because they are launched by children

10- The hated Zionist enemies are all Jews who occupy the sacred Palestinian soil and all the Jews of the world who do not want to convert to the Palestinian cult!


Thanks for the idea to: Blog Codaleone

2 Risposte a “The new Palestinian cult”

  1. I hope someone enters your house, and claims it his because his grand parents owned the land 1000 years ago. We will then see how many sarcastic comments people will make of your life and struggle.

    Have some empathy woman.

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